madinet el-nafoura
Villefontaine is big gray concrete housing estates between the three ponds, the forest and a few fields, it's thirty thousand inhabitants with nothing around. It's also a sensitive urban zone, a “hot spot”: that doesn't mean much more than that young people are fed up there. There's no work, no entertainment, just a small supermarket, two or three parking lots, a bus every hour, not much interesting to do. Villefontaine is the town where I lived for 10 years, 10 years ago, and which hosted part of my life - my discovery of the world, of relationships and bodies, of my femininity and that of others, of friendship and sisterhood, alongside my emancipation from a dysfunctional home. It was also in Villefontaine that I got the urge to make art, create things and tell stories. I left 10 years ago, and now I want to tell it all - my story, our stories, the shared stories of a bumpy, shabby land, the funny stories of our little misdeeds and the more serious stories that still inhabit us.
Madinet El-Nafoura is a project that traces all this, these few years of life, the passage between childhood and adulthood, the moments of calm between storms, the in-betweens, the boredom, the normal stories of normal people, little girls and wild children looking for a home - in the city, in their bodies, in their status as women in the world.
It's a collection of images, an artist's book, a gathering of visual experiments and suburban poetry, a logbook constructed 10 years too late, foggy memories collected before they disappeared, painting a multiple and dissonant portrait of these haunted places from 2004 to 2014.
The integrality of the text is available here.
See the process
The Wekalet Behna atelier, photographed by Abdallah Ayoub